<img alt="" src="https://secure.gift2pair.com/211594.png" style="display:none;">

How does it work?

preezie nextbuy demo

  • 1Jordan has just made an online purchase.
  • 2She's shown a selection of relevant brands and product offers to choose from.
  • 3Jordan selects an offer, clicks through to the brand’s website, and makes a purchase.

Interact with the demo

Click on the nextbuy widget to explore how it works ↓

A brand to brand network

Add the nextbuy widget to your checkout confirmation page to reward your customers with discounts and special offers from other non-competing brands. In return, those brands will promote your offers to their customers too.

nextbuy increases referral traffic between partners’ websites. Plus, you only pay when a shopper converts!

Sign up now

What are you waiting for?
Join the nextbuy network today!