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Case study

How preezie helped Carryboy increase sales by 10%

Increase in leads
Increase in sales
Increase in engagement
  • Date: 10 November, 2019
  • Client: Carryboy

The Challenge

Much of Carryboy’s growth has come from their retail presence which requires a combination of excellent products, strategic locations and great salespeople. With their in-store experience well refined, Carryboy have increasingly been investing time in their online business. Retail store assistants noted that a large percentage of customers are now using the site to research products before entering the physical store and wanted to provide a seamless handoff between the online and offline experience.


Carryboy has also seen consistent growth in online enquiries as customers are willing to purchase directly online but often don’t know where to start.

Purchasing a premium canopy can be a difficult decision with a huge variety of vehicles and needs in the market. With this in mind, Carryboy saw a significant opportunity to convert more online traffic to sales and to also ensure better conversion in store.

What Carryboy needed

Carryboy required a smart solution that would not only help more customers convert online but also precisely help them understand what their customers are searching for on their website and which products are most likely to sell in store. As Carryboy increases its range of online products, there was a huge opportunity to increase revenue for the company.

Preezie partnered with Carryboy to implement its proprietary guided conversion platform. With such a huge range of products, customers can struggle with choice paralysis. Too many options can create a frustrating experience and many customers get fed up and leave.

How preezie helped Carryboy

The preezie smart sales workflows acts like a digital retail store assistants in that it identifies the exact product customers want by guiding them through a set of intelligent and dynamic product questions. This product recommendation engine uses advanced technology to suggest only the most relevant products for a customer to purchase.

preezie implemented the guided conversion platform within 1 week and with minimal support from Carryboy. Over time, Carryboy’s online lead capture rates has improved by a factor of 40.


The fact is that we didn’t look for the solution, the solution came to us. preezie reps came to us and showed how the solution works and what benefits the company could have, it seemed very interesting and we decided to give it a try. Being a business person, I expected the product to give me straightforward and accurate information, and that is exactly what I got. The simplicity of integration and the quality of information gained from preezie are making them great partners and solution providers.

Paul Nardella (Jr)
Carryboy General Manager